Those nearest and dearest to Ramona Narrow know that from May to August, she lives and dies for Fox's So You Think You Can Dance. She's been to a taping - twice. She votes. She posts critiques in the online community, often making up total lies to make a point in online arguments she gets in with 12 year olds in Florida. She once approached a dancer who had been kicked off and announced that his departure was "a travesty and injustice." The show is that good. The dancers are phenomenal, the choreographers are world-renowned, the judges are fair and kind and focused on dance, and the hostess, Cat Deeley, is silly and warm enough that you almost forgive her for her perfect shiny hair and fashion model frame. Almost.
All of the dances performed are original choreography, which means that instead of hearing some nineteen year old from Texas with bad highlights sing "I Will Always Love You" like she's several Long Islands in at a karaoke bar in the Milwaukee Marriott, you get to see something you've never seen before. Ms. Ramona has been without a tv for the past five months, but, as of last week, you can find her on the treadmill with the attached television at her community center, pissing people off by exceeding the 30 minute cardio machine limit, every Wednesday and Thursday from 8-10. To kick off the new season, Ramona has chosen her top five SYTYCD auditions of all time.
2. PHILLIP CHBEEB (This isn't sped up!!!)
Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
Blind Items Revealed #8
11 hours ago
Well done, although I think you've bought into the Brandon hype too much...