The episode wherein David Silver enlightens men everywhere on scoring with the ladies
Pimp tips with David Silver for landing ladies like Donna Martin:
1. Bust out every combination of the running man/roger rabbit/ jump into a bent-knee split/deep squat you can imagine. Throw in a twirl if you can - come on, girl, it's fun!
2. With the deep squat, rock from side to side on your feet, like you are trying to quickly take a shit in a field while running from a hoard of angry drugstore clerks enraged that you just shoplifted a year's supply of Axe.
3. Do not be afraid to get what Miss Ramona's grandma calls"freaky deaky" - there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little face to crotch dance action at the high school Holiday Ball.
4. Nothing is sexier than a collarless dress shirt. Just ask the guys of Boyz II Men.
5. There is no such thing as too much hair gel
7. Learn to make "sexy face" which entails jutting your lower jaw out as far as you can and sticking your tongue out at irregular ten second intervals
And here is the rest of it.
Blind Items Revealed #7
17 minutes ago
LOL! Andrea's ruffle blouse stole the clip. Oy!